Finance - It is one of the module in every organization. It is the heart of every business without this no one can't run their business successfully. It is mainly used for calculate the finance position of the company as well as maintain the each finance record of organization.

Book Keeping - Record the finance transaction

                           It is the recording of financial transactions. Those transactions include sales, purchase, income and payment by an individual or organization. Booking is usually performed by a book keeper.

Accounting - It is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transaction and events. Which are in part at least of finance character and interpreting the result there of

Recording                                           Classify                                                    Summary

Purchase by John                                   PO                                                       Expenses
Sales by Muthu                                      SO                                                       Revenue
Cash paid by Arun                                 PO                                                       Expenses

G/L Accounts - General Ledger

                          An account refers to Assets, Liabilities,Income,Expenses ans Equity as represents by individual ledger pages in which changes in values are chronologically recorded with debited and credited entries.

Types of G/L Account

Income - What are we earn that are all come under Income. Ex - Sales, Interest, Dividend and etc..,

Expenses - What are we spends that are all come under Expenses. Ex - Food, Clothe, House and etc..,

Assets - Add's to one's income or In future strengthening one's financial position . Ex - Invest in Gold/Silver Real estate and etc..,

Liabilities - Obligation to pay. Ex - Personal Loan, Credit, Education loan and etc..,

Capital - Amount or Assets which is invested in business by businessman or Owner of business.

Dual(Double) Entry System : Each transaction will be recorded twice i.e with the two transaction being called Debit - Left side and Credit - Right.

In finance we have the set of rules for double entries system. Those are all comes under the followings,

                                          Debit                       Credit
Income                                  -                              +
Expenses                              +                              -
Assets                                  +                              -
Liabilities                              -                              +
Equity                                   -                              +


GAAP-> General Accepted Accounting Principles.

Personal Account(Person,Bank and etc..,).
                 Debit - Receiver
                 Credit - Giver

Real Account(Assets).

                Debit - What comes in
                Credit - What goes out

Nominal account(Profit and Loss(P/L)).

                Debit - All expenses  and loses
                Credit - Gain and Income

Journal - It is a type of dairy. Where the day to day transactions are entered.
Ex - Salary A/C Dr                      Rs. 100
           To Cash A/C Cr                   Rs. 100

Ledger - A ledger contains summarized financial information that is classified by assignment to a specific account number.
Ex - Cash account summary for a month.

Trail Balance - A trail balance is a list of all accounts contained in the ledger of a business. This list will contain the name of the ledger account and the value of nominal ledger account. Here Debit will come debit side Credit will come credit side.
Purpose - Check accuracy of the account.

Trading Account - The purpose of preparing trading account is to calculate the gross profit at the business.
                              Include all the direct expenses
                                     Gross profit  = Sales - Cost of goods sold

Profit and Loss(P/L A/C) Account - Net profit is a resultant of all the indirect expenses deductions from the gross profit.

Profit - It is a excess of incomes over expenses in a specific period.
Loss - Loss is the excess of expenses over income in a specific period.
                                 Net profit = Gross profit - Indirect expenses

Balance Sheets - It is the statement where we can see the financial position of the organization. This includes all assets, Liabilities and equities.

                                 Assets = Equities + Liabilities

Withdraw cash from by bank  50,000
          Cash A/c  Dr 50,000
               By Band A/c Cr  50,000
Purchase goods by cash 10,000
          Purchase A/c Dr 10,000
                By Cash A/c Cr 10,000
Paid rent by cash 5,000
          Rend A/c Dr 5,000
               By Cash A/c Cr 5,000
Paid salary by cash 25,000
          Salary A/c Dr 25,000
                By Cash A/c Cr 25,000
Sold goods by cash 30,000
           Cash A/c Dr 30,000
                By Sales revenue A/c Cr 30,000
Deposited balance at bank 40,000
           Bank A/c Dr 40,000
                 By Cash A/c 40,000
G/L Account
Particular           Dr            Particular          Cr
Bank                50,000         Purchase           10,000
Sales Revenue  30,000         Rent                    5,000
                                            Salary                25,000
                                            Bank                  40,000
Total                 80,000                                  80,000

Particular            Dr           Particular          Cr
Cash                  40,000       Cash                 50,000
Balance              10,000
Total                  50,000                                50,000

Particular            Dr            Particular         Cr
Cash                   10,000       Balance C/F    10,000
Total                   10,000                               10,000

Particular            Dr            Particular         Cr
Cash                  5,000          Balance C/F     5,000
Total                  5,000                                  5,000

Particular           Dr             Particular        Cr
Cash                  25,000        Balance C/F    25,000
Total                  25,000                               25,000

Sales Revenue
Particular           Dr            Particular         Cr
Balance C/F       30,000       Cash                30,000
Total                  30,000                               30,000

Trial Balance :
Particular           Dr                                     Cr
Cash                  Nill                                     Nill   
Bank                  10,000                               10,000
Purchase                                                       10,000
Rent                                                                5,000
Salary                                                           25,000
Sales Revenue    30,000
Total                  40,000                               40,000

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